Rediscovering Your Inner Child Through Art: A Journey From Academic Pressure to Artistic Fulfillment in Your 30s

Rediscovering Your Inner Child Through Art: A Journey From Academic Pressure to Artistic Fulfillment in Your 30s

I saw something recently that said "your 30’s are all about rediscovering the childhood you, without the shame & without the judgement."

While I never felt shame for my love of art, as I grew older I began to judge myself. As academics and all things college admissions became the be-all, end-all of my teenage life, my passion for painting got pushed to the side.

An artist didn’t seem like a real, serious job and the really serious, ambitious high school me loaded up her schedule with every AP class, club, and Honors Society she could pile on.

I thought I was going places, but I ended up completely miserable.

In fact, my first year of college was the worst year of my life. An utter disaster, all I had been striving for crashed down from the pedestal I had built for it.

I began a gradual recovery, slowly revising my priorities and definitely not always getting it right. Though the days to come yielded much improvement and even some of the biggest highlights, still a feeling of "lostness" hovered over me.

After lots of prayer and life experience I grew, but becoming a mom truly snapped things into focus: how I wanted to spend my time, what was really important to me, and the person I wanted to strive to be.

In those holy moments, an urge to paint took over me and I dusted off my inner artist. Starting with a blank canvas and creating something lovely awoke part of my soul that had laid dormant for so long, the inner child filled with light and hope.

I believe we all have that childhood spirit living within us, the truest essence of ourselves.

I hope my paintings remind you of that version of you, the 8 year old inside you who believes anything is possible.

Make her proud. 💕
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